Our Mission
At Everyday Canvassing, our job is to knock doors consistently to listen and record underrepresented people’s stories and struggles for their representatives to learn from and make change. And we don’t canvass for elections. That’s because our problems and hopes aren’t automatically heard and acted on after someone is elected to represent us, even if we like who’s elected.
We need our representatives to have ears in our communities everyday-- building new relationships with us in locations convenient to us, listening to our struggles, and learning how they can help fix those struggles. But we have a ways to go…
So as we strive for a future where our government representatives maintain and regularly build new relationships with our most neglected community members, we will also use our outreach to recruit members for the organizations who amplify the lived experiences of those we meet at doors. In other words, we demand the government create systems to hold itself accountable. But we will not wait for the government to hold itself accountable.
Listening to people’s issues also gives us the opportunity to connect them with government or nonprofit resources that may solve issues quickly. However, many issues are not solvable quickly. Which is another reason we must continuously connect people we meet to local organizations working to improve our society.